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  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Plantar Test for Thermal Stimulation Hargreaves Apparatus frontal view

    In the late ‘80s Dr. Hargreaves invented a method to assess thermal pain sensation in unrestrained rodents by stimulating the single hind paw and thus allowing for unilateral/contralateral experiments. Ugo Basile made a science-grade instrument to perform this stimulation and automatically measure response, it became a gold-standard with more than 2,000 publications in 2022.

    A thermal...

    Mouse, Rat
    Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer Full Front Upper View

    Touch sensitivity is traditionally tested with Von Frey filaments, which is a tedious and experimenter-dependent assay.

    The Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer is a unique system, which fully automates the amount of force applied by an electromagnetic, silent motor exerting from 0 to 100 grams at a rate adjustable from 0 to 50 seconds.

    When the animal responds, by withdrawing its...

    Mouse, Rat

    Touch sensitivity in unrestrained animals is traditionally tested with Von Frey filaments, which is a tedious and experimenter-dependent assay.

    The Electronic Von Frey system solves the multiple measurement (i.e. multiple filaments) issue and the experimenter bias by using a hand-held force sensor with a rigid metal. The scientist gradually increases the force applied to the animal...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Measures endurance, distance and speed. For studying behavioral, physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses to both acute exercise stress and chronic exercise training.

    Original product by Ugo Basile is adaptable for use by rats or mice. Easy set up and control using touch screen. Automatic measurement of endurance, distance and speed. Shock grid for aversive stimulus (if...

    Mouse, Rat

    Versatile, automated modular device empowers researchers to assemble a custom configuration perfectly suited to spatial learning and spatial memory studies in rats or mice.

    The same modular device can be transformed into automated radial, Y and T mazes by simply rearranging the arms.

    Surface texture is selected for best rodent comfort as well as optimal results with video...

    Mouse, Rat
    RotaRod Familiy: for Mice, Rats and large Rats

    The RotaRod is a simple test to assess motor function and coordination in rodents. Motor coordination or fatigue can be evaluated by measuring the time the animal stays on a rotating rod before falling. The Rod can rotate at constant, accelerating, rocking (back and forth) or through complex acceleration/deceleration ramps, thanks to the included PC software XPad.

    The Ugo Basile...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Librae for Rats with Adjustable Restrainer (SKU 47880-004)

    Measures the weight distribution difference between an injured and unaffected hind paw of a mouse or rat. For the assessment of spontaneous pain in osteoarthritis, bone cancer, nerve injury and post-operative pain studies. Automatic operation reduces operator bias, optimizes repeatability and saves time. Easy to set up. Data visualization to monitor trends. Fast and easy cleaning...


    Measures hypersensitivity to thermal (hot and cold) and/or mechanical stimulation of the orofacial area in rats (mouse adaptor available). For research into a wide range of pain conditions involving the trigeminal nerve.

    High throughput with data recorded from up to 16 cages with ORO-Software. Real time data display. Non-invasive, respectful test. Comprehensive metrics and easy data...

    Mouse, Rat
    Thermal Place Preference - complete system

    The Thermal Place Preference test can be considered an evolution of the Hot/Cold plate test and it allows monitoring of temperature preferences by measuring the time spent in two compartments set at two different temperatures.

    This two temperature nociception test can be used in a mouse or rat and is composed of a standard hot/cold plate and of an hot plate, connected by a corridor. It...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    This software enables researchers to study behavior in a more reliable and consistent way and over longer time periods than if they were using direct observation or manual recording.

    Highly advanced, comprehensive video-tracking system. The software couples an unrivalled depth of features with a simple, familiar design, to provide automated testing in virtually any behavioral...

    Mouse, Rat
    Tail Flick Unit - Thermal stimulation, D'Amour and Smith method

    Accurately measures the nociceptive threshold to infrared heat stimulus on the rat or mouse tail. Used for rapid screening of analgesic drugs by measuring reaction time to heat, even in anesthetized animals, crucial for repeated tests, thanks to the reflexive nature of the tail flick response.

    Adjustable I.R. intensity, bright touch-screen display with intuitive controls. Comfortable...


    A positive pressure pump (according to Starling’s Ventilator method) for small animals. Assists with breathing during anesthesia and surgery or when an animal has an injury or illness that requires respiratory support.

    Highly accurate, rate displayed digitally, choice of cylinder/piston assemblies (from 0.05-0.5 ml to 20-100 ml), quiet, high quality, robust with a long lifetime....
  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Animal Cage with, Microprocessor controlled Electronic Unit

    Enables recording of spontaneous locomotor activity in rats and mice (individual or groups) using infrared (I.R.) beams. General activity can be an indicator of drug action, toxic substances, neurological damage, or daily rhythms in activity.

    Tracks horizontal and vertical activity (rearing). Easily integrated with video-tracking system to measure XY position. Easy touch-buttons,...

    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The three-chamber test is the classic test to assess social behavior and social memory in rodents. This may range from autism disease to dominance tests and social novelty. During the test one animal is freely moving while the other two are confined into circular grid bar cages.

    The Ugo Basile system includes a high contrast or IR-transparent floor for the best quality video-tracking...

    Mouse, Rat

    Provides and easy to use means of immobilizing an animal for surgery or procedures such as imaging. Gas Anesthesia (compared to injections) is a very quick way to induce total unconsciousness and also assists fast recovery.

    High quality compact, modular and virtually unbreakable system. Reliable and precise delivery of the anesthetic gas to animals. Expandable system providing...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Designed for inducing convulsions in research mice and rats for epilepsy studies and many more e.g., neurochemical and neuropharmacological research such as evaluating the depressant or stimulating action of drugs on the CNS.

    Reproducible results. Parameters have been selected as the most suitable range for mice or rats. Flexibility to extend your experiments by adding other...

    Mouse, Rat
    38500-001 PAM Electronic Unit, with sensor
    The P.A.M. (Pressure Application Measurement) device is an original tool designed for measuring mechanical pain threshold on joints. It was specifically designed and validated for Arthritis research and is therefore especially suited to assess joint hypersensitivity in rodent knees or ankles. Once saved, data can be browsed on the control unit and/or transferred to a PC in proprietary, Excel or...
    Mouse, Rat

    Patented non-invasive vital signs monitor. Measures heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), breath rate, and temperature (optional) of anesthetized and conscious small laboratory animals of various sizes.

    Clinically validated and cited in a range of published studies including respiratory, neonatal, hypertension and brain injury.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Invasive arterial or venous blood pressure measurement during animal surgery. For urodynamic, intrauterine and intracranial studies. Also suitable for intensive care.

    Connects to data acquisition systems such as our DataCapsule-Evo. High quality, robust, reusable and cost effective.

    Mouse, Rat
    Blood Pressure Recorder-Non Invasive, shown with a mouse in its holder and the pressure generator (proximal) and the piezo sensor (distal)

    A multi-function, non-invasive blood pressure recorder for rodents (mice and rats) for use in a wide range of scientific studies, where systolic and diastolic pressure needs to be measured in a non-invasive way in anesthetized or awake animals.

    Combines functionality of multiple systems including pressure generation-pressure monitoring system, pulse amplifier, thermal-array analog...

    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    To perform Light/Dark Test with rats or mice for assessing anxiety. Useful in identifying and/or screening of anxiolytic and anxiogenic agents.

    High quality maze with rat and mouse versions. Provides optimal results with video tracking software (high contrast, non reflective). Surface texture selected for rodent comfort. Easy to set up, easy to clean.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Measures the force on a rat or mouse paw according to the Randall-Selitto paw-pressure test, it enables rapid and precise screening of analgesic drugs for anti-nociceptive studies, in healthy or inflamed limbs. The device applies a steady increasing force, starting and stopping using the foot pedal. No calibration required. Digital model with force sensors and electronic unit is also...

    Mouse, Rat

    The Grip Strength Meter determines the maximum force displayed by an animal in the forelimb, hind-limb or all four limbs, thanks to the full set of accessories included in the Ugo Basile Grip Strength Meter package.

    The technique exploits the instinctive resistance of rodents to backward movements and their consequence tendency to grasp (grip) against the pull-back...

    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The Radial Arm Maze has 8 equally spaced arms radiating from a central circular compartment. It can be used for several sophisticated protocols to study spatial, working and reference learning and memory.

    The animal can rely on egocentric or allocentric strategies. Working versus reference memory can be assessed by adopting intra or inter trial protocols. Easy to set up, easy to...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Compact, direct current (DC) Lesion Maker for localized electrolytic lesions in the brain.

    Isolated, regulated DC output for electrical safety. Two operating modes: Continuous and Timed.

    Mouse, Rat
    Barnes Maze Hen

    The Barnes Maze is a valid alternative to the water maze to study spatial learning and memory. The motivational drive is the rodent’s instinctive aversion for open spaces and natural preference for dark, “sheltered” spaces.

    Reliable and durable. Optimized for use with video-tracking software. Available for mice or rats. Easy to set up, easy to clean.

    Mouse, Rat

    For stereotaxic surgery using rats or other small animals. Can be used to locate targets for implantation of devices, stimulation or injections.

    Smooth, consistent movements with rapid positioning. Time-proven 'U'-Frame design provides stability and adaptability. Integrated warming base can be activated for better surgical outcomes.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    The KDS Legato series is a range of advanced, precision syringe pumps. For applications requiring high metering precision at low, pulse-free flow rates.

    Intuitive touch screen allows user to easily define complex injection protocols. Display presents real time data.

    Mouse, Rat

    Atlantis System allows platforms in a Morris Water Maze to rise gently to near the surface or go down automatically, using the manual controller or TTL signals. From one to four platform systems available.

    Enables extinction protocols on rats or mice. No need to stop the test to manually remove or reposition platforms.

    Mouse, Rat

    A test for spatial learning and long-term memory in rodents. For research into neurocognitive disorders and treatments, aging, drug-abuse, neural systems, neurotransmitters and brain development.

    High quality, strong and low weight. Embedded wheels for easy movement. Easy to drain and clean. Add optional Atlantis System to extend test capabilities. Different colors available.
