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Motory Coordination

Motory Coordination

Measurement of motor coordination and balance can be used not only to assess the effect of drugs or other experimental manipulations on mice and rats, but also to characterize the motor phenotype of transgenic or knock-out animals. 

The tests can be used equally well for rats and mice, and have been used both for the phenotypic characterization of transgenic mice and for evaluating the effects of lesions and aging in rats. 

Results 1 - 8 of 8
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  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Measures endurance, distance and speed. For studying behavioral, physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses to both acute exercise stress and chronic exercise training.

    Original product by Ugo Basile is adaptable for use by rats or mice. Easy set up and control using touch screen. Automatic measurement of endurance, distance and speed. Shock grid for aversive stimulus (if...

    Mouse, Rat
    RotaRod Familiy: for Mice, Rats and large Rats

    The RotaRod is a simple test to assess motor function and coordination in rodents. Motor coordination or fatigue can be evaluated by measuring the time the animal stays on a rotating rod before falling. The Rod can rotate at constant, accelerating, rocking (back and forth) or through complex acceleration/deceleration ramps, thanks to the included PC software XPad.

    The Ugo Basile...

    Mouse, Rat
    Animal Cage with, Microprocessor controlled Electronic Unit

    Enables recording of spontaneous locomotor activity in rats and mice (individual or groups) using infrared (I.R.) beams. General activity can be an indicator of drug action, toxic substances, neurological damage, or daily rhythms in activity.

    Tracks horizontal and vertical activity (rearing). Easily integrated with video-tracking system to measure XY position. Easy touch-buttons,...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    The Grip Strength Meter determines the maximum force displayed by an animal in the forelimb, hind-limb or all four limbs, thanks to the full set of accessories included in the Ugo Basile Grip Strength Meter package.

    The technique exploits the instinctive resistance of rodents to backward movements and their consequence tendency to grasp (grip) against the pull-back...

    Mouse, Rat

    Running wheels provide a convenient method for measuring rodent spontaneous motor activity over long periods of time. Used for research on circadian rhythms, motor function, aging, energy balance, recovering and pain related exercise.

    Robust mouse and rat models measure rodent activity across time. Models available with an LCD counter and can also be connected to a Windows PC. Data...

    Mouse, Rat

    Studies natural curiosity and exploration behavior of rodents when confronted with a new environment (head-plunging, or nose-poking stereotype) according to the method devised by Boissier-Simon. For testing effects of psychotropic drugs on exploratory behavior.

    The Boards are available with opaque or transparent walls for use with video tracking software. Mouse or rat versions.

  • Mouse RotaRod black enlarger with grooves, mounted on a Mouse RotaRod

    Enlargers for Mouse and Rat RotaRod are available to add multiple parameters to change the complexity of the experiment. Enlargers add-on for RotaRod come with grooves to increase the diameter of the rod or in smooth rubber to increase the diameter of the rod and change the surface from a grooved one to a smooth one. All the types of enlargers can be easily added to the rotating drum thanks to...

    Mouse, Rat
    Complex Wheel on Mouse RotaRod, with stainless-steel Trip Box detail

    The complex wheel add-on for mouse and rat RotaRod introduces an additional complexity element for the animal to be tested. Thanks to the asymmetrical and adjustable bars it increases the test sensitivity and add a higher involvement of motor cortex and hippocampus, as compared to the classic rotarod test.

    The Ugo Basile RotaRod is the 1st and original, invented after the Dunham and...


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