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Enlargers for Mouse and Rat RotaRod

Product Code:47650-325/47650-326/47750-325/47750-326

Enlargers for Mouse and Rat RotaRod are available to add multiple parameters to change the complexity of the experiment. Enlargers add-on for RotaRod come with grooves to increase the diameter of the rod or in smooth rubber to increase the diameter of the rod and change the surface from a grooved one to a smooth one. All the types of enlargers can be easily added to the rotating drum thanks to magnetic fixings.

The Ugo Basile RotaRod is the 1st and original, invented after the Dunham and Miya method (1957) and today has more than 6,200 citations in the literature

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This product warranty can be extended up to 24 Additional Months.
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Having the possibility to change the diameter and the surface of the rod adds multiple variables that can be tweaked in the rotarod test, by changing the complexity of the test itself.

  47650-325 enlargers for Mouse RotaRod with grooves (suitable only for mouse RotaRod SKU 47650)
47650-326 enlargers for Mouse RotaRod with rubber smooth surface (suitable only for mouse RotaRod SKU 47650)
47750-325 enlargers for Rat RotaRod with grooves (suitable for Rat RotaRod SKU 47750; not suitable for Large Rat RotaRod SKU 47750-D01)
47750-326 enlargers for Rat RotaRod with rubber smooth surface (suitable for Rat RotaRod SKU 47750; not suitable for Large Rat RotaRod SKU 47750-D01)
Enlarger External Diameter (where the rodent walks) 60 mm
60 mm 120 mm 120 mm
Enlarger Internal Diameter (where the enlarger attaches to the RotaRod lane) 30 mm 30 mm 60 mm 60 mm
Enlarger Width 56,5 mm 56,5 mm 86,5 mm
86,5 mm
Warranty: all types of enlargers for RotaRod are covered by a 12 months warranty
47650-325 Mouse RotaRod enlarger with grooves, 60 mm diameter instead of original 30 mm (5 pieces set, magnetic fixing) (suitable for Mouse RotaRod SKU 47650)
47650-326 Mouse RotaRod enlarger with rubber (smooth), 60 mm diameter instead of original 30 mm (5 pieces set, magnetic fixing) (suitable for Mouse RotaRod SKU 47650)
47750-325 Rat RotaRod black enlarger with grooves, 120 mm diameter instead of original 60 mm (4 pieces set, magnetic fixing) (suitable for Rat RotaRod SKU 47750; not suitable for Large Rat RotaRod SKU 47750-D01)
47750-326 Rat RotaRod enlarger with rubber (smooth), 120 mm diameter instead of original 60 mm (4 pieces set, magnetic fixing) (suitable for Rat RotaRod SKU 47750; not suitable for Large Rat RotaRod SKU 47750-D01)
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