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Mouse, Rat

Multiple-Cage Set-up for Learned Helplessness for Mice and Rats

Product Code:47502/47503

When rodents are exposed to inescapable and unpredictable stress, such as forced swim or inescapable foot shock, they often develop deficits in memory and learning tasks (e.g. Active Avoidance) and they often show analgesic reactions (S.I.A. Stress-Induced Analgesia).

The Ugo Basile Set-Up for Learned Helplessness is based on a sophisticated generator of unpredictable random shocks delivered to the grid floor of a rodent box where no escape is possible. Electric shocks can be randomized in terms of shock length, interval and complex trains can be programmed.

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  • When rodents are exposed to inescapable and unpredictable stress, such as forced swim or inescapable foot shock, they often develop deficits in memory and learning tasks (e.g. Active Avoidance), and they often show analgesic reactions (S.I.A. Stress-Induced Analgesia).

 Flexible, easy data collection

  • A sophisticated generator of unpredicta­ble random shocks delivered to the grid floor of a rodent box (dark isolation cube) – rat and mouse models.
  • Easy set up using a 12-inch touch screen controller. Randomize shocks based on time duration as well as intervals between shock events. Schedule a complex train of shock events. 
  • Up to 4 animals can be controlled simultaneously in 4 independent boxes using one touch screen controller.
  • Easy data collection. Includes user-friendly reporting software to collect, visualize and export data into spreadsheets such as Excel.
  • Optional expansion box available for multiple cages.
  • Part of our expandable Beehive Cage-Manager System. Add, manage and monitor other cages in our range using a single touch screen controller.
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