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Electronic Von Frey - e-VF Handheld

Product Code:38450

Touch sensitivity in unrestrained animals is traditionally tested with Von Frey filaments, which is a tedious and experimenter-dependent assay.

The Electronic Von Frey system solves the multiple measurement (i.e. multiple filaments) issue and the experimenter bias by using a hand-held force sensor with a rigid metal. The scientist gradually increases the force applied to the animal paw, until the peak detector scores the animal paw withdrawal (or the user scores it manually with the included pedal).

Force ranges are selectable in the 0-50, 0-200 and 0-1500 grams with a 0.1 grams sensitivity and software tools are included to aid a linear application of the force (rate-meter and slope).

The system is battery or mains powered and comes with software included and data export in CSV. One model for Mice or Rats in modular enclosures (up to 6 rats or 12 mice; optional with Modular Animal Enclosures and Grid Platform, available in 2 heights, 40 or 80 cm).

An extended warranty can be added for most Ugo Basile products. You can find this information in the ordering information section of each product.
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  • Von Frey filaments are still a productive way to evaluate behavioral responses of neuropathic pain in preclinical and clinical research, but they are time consuming and subject to experimenter bias; for this reason Ugo Basile developed a hand held Electronic Von Frey test with automated paw withdrawal detector.
  • It is important that the application of the force is always perpendicular, with a preset amount of grams and at a predefined rate, which can be controlled with the provided tools (rate-meter on the control unit and slope on the software).
  • The Electronic Von Frey is based on a force sensor and a peak detection algorithm to automatically score paw withdrawal (a foot pedal for manual score is also included).
  • One key feature of this device is the possibility to visually control the rate of application of the force by keeping the signal on the slope via software or using the rate-meter on the electronic unit.

System components and main features

The Electronic Von Frey Ugo Basile system comes complete with:

  • An electronic unit battery powered via USB or the provided charger
  • A rigid stimulator filament in nitinol (metal)
  • A prism to aid paw targeting
  • A pedal for manual scoring
  • A software for saving force curves, peaks and export data into CSV for Excel
  • A large testing grid surface with 5x5 mm2 holes (option)
  • A modular set of animal enclosures to hold up to 6 rats and 12 mice (option)

Features include:

  • 0-50, 0-200, 0-1500 grams ranges to maximize device dynamic range 0.1 gram sensitivity and time resolution of 0.1 seconds
  • Automatic peak detector and foot pedal
  • Software included for rate control, waveform saving and CSV data export
  • Small and handy battery powered electronic unit



Embedded force sensor 

No need for multiple filament measurements but just one application of the force

Force Peak detector for automated scoring of paw withdrawal Higher throughput and improved accuracy, thanks to decrease in experimenter bias
Force Rate Control aids via electronic unit or PC-software Allows to apply the force at a desidere and adjustable rate

Large force range (0-1500 grams) and high time resolution (0.1 seconds)

Flexibility for performing many types of experiments from severe allodynia to hyperalgesia

Battery powered, small electronic unit with display for settings and results

The system can be easily positioned even away from the mains and can be used with or without software

Grid platform and animal enclosures (optional)

Can be provided as a complete, “ready to go system”. Works with rats and mice in high throughput (6 rats and 12 mice at the time) and it is easy to clean

Optional manual scoring of paw withdrawal

Allows for scoring animals which present an unusual position of the paw, and do require the experimenter to visually score



Via soft buttons and pedal


LCD Screen, via the DCA3 Software on the PC


Automatic start at pressure adjustable threshold

Stop Automatic at end of pressure, Automatic after a time limit (adjustable from 5 to 25 seconds), Manual by pedal

Force Ranges

o.50, 0-200, 0-1500gf

Force Increasing Rate

Monitored via e-VF Electronic Unit or via the DCA3 Software on the PC

Force Response

in 0.1gf steps

Latency Time

in 0.1s steps

Connection to PC      

via USB cable (A to mini-B) and e-VF Software (DCA3)

Power Requirement

Either battery operated, via USB cable connected to PC, included power supply (100-240 VAC, 50-60Hz)

Operating Temperature

10°C to 40°C; 5% to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Sound Level


The Electronic Von Frey has been used in a variety of neuropathy applications in nerve injury, from partial sciatic nerve ligation (PNL, to chronic constriction injury (CCI) and spinal nerve ligation (SNL) to screen phenotypes and drugs to treat allodynia and hyperalgesia.

Altogether this brings about a high reproducibility, sensitivity and accuracy which no other mechanical stimulation application can provide. The sensitivity and accurancy is by far the result of the fact that the force application does not rely on hand movement.

Moreover, the Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer, differently than Von Frey filaments, provide a linear and not logarithmic scale of stimulation.

38450 EVF Electronic Von Frey
38450-001 Electronic Unit               

Von Frey Applicator, with Prism to locate the aimed area on the animal paw. Complete with transducer, Glass Prism and Rigid metal Filaments with magnetic fixing

37215-323 Pedal Switch
52010-325 USB Lead
E-AU 059 Universal Power Supply
E-AU 101 USB pen-drive, including instruction manual and software


37450-278 Base assembly for plantar stimulation, including support with columns, perforated metal sheet and multiple-configuration animal-enclosure, from 3 to 12 spaces
37450-005 Large Perforated Metal Sheet
37450-045 Large Perforated Metal Sheet, with 4 legs, 40cm height (animal enclosure 37000-007 is not included and should be ordered separately)
37450-085 Large Perforated Metal Sheet, with 4 legs, 80cm height (animal enclosure 37000-007 is not included and should be ordered separately)

Y.Alvarez-Bagnarol, R. García, L. F. Vendruscolo, M. Morales, 2023, “Inhibition of dorsal raphe GABAergic neurons blocks hyperalgesia during heroin withdrawal”, Nature.com

C. Gu, M. Chen, X. Li, D. Geng, C. Wang, 2023, “MAGL regulates synovial macrophage polarization vis inhibition of mitophagy in osteoarthritic pain”, Molecular Medicine Reports

N. M. Sharfman, L. K. Kelley, M. E. Secci, N. W. Gilpin, 2022, “Melanocortin-4 receptor signaling in the central amygdala mediates chronic inflammatory pain effects on nociception”, Neuropharmacology

Q. Xu, L. Sun, W. Zhang, H. Wu, C. Jiao, L. Xu, X. Qian, H. Yao, Q. Chen, F. Xu, F. Fu, Y. Feng, L. Wang, X. Chen, 2021, “A novel visceral pain model of uterine cervix inflammation in rat”, European Journal of Pharmacology

M. Urru, M. Muzzi, E. Coppi, G. Ranieri, D. Buonvicino, E. Camaioni, R. Coppini, A. M. Pugliese, B. Tanaka, M. Estacion, S. G. Waxman, S. D.Dib-Hajj, A.Chiarugi, 2020, “Dexpramipexole blocks Nav1.8 sodium channels and provides analgesia in multiple nociceptive and neuropathic pain models”, PAIN

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