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Mazes, Tracking

Mazes Tracking

High quality mazes that provide optimal results with video tracking software thanks to their very high contrast, non reflective surface. Not only easy to set up and easy to clean, but all the mazes surface textures are selected for rodent comfort.

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  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Versatile, automated modular device empowers researchers to assemble a custom configuration perfectly suited to spatial learning and spatial memory studies in rats or mice.

    The same modular device can be transformed into automated radial, Y and T mazes by simply rearranging the arms.

    Surface texture is selected for best rodent comfort as well as optimal results with video...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    This software enables researchers to study behavior in a more reliable and consistent way and over longer time periods than if they were using direct observation or manual recording.

    Highly advanced, comprehensive video-tracking system. The software couples an unrivalled depth of features with a simple, familiar design, to provide automated testing in virtually any behavioral...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The three-chamber test is the classic test to assess social behavior and social memory in rodents. This may range from autism disease to dominance tests and social novelty. During the test one animal is freely moving while the other two are confined into circular grid bar cages.

    The Ugo Basile system includes a high contrast or IR-transparent floor for the best quality video-tracking...

  • Animal

    Based on where a mouse with free movement spends its time in a central arena area with stimulus animals (familiar/unfamiliar/dominant/different gender) positioned in chambers on the outer edge. For research into impairments in social skills that are central to mental disease and developing tools for their assessment in mouse models as well as smell related behavior (anosmia).


  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    To perform Light/Dark Test with rats or mice for assessing anxiety. Useful in identifying and/or screening of anxiolytic and anxiogenic agents.

    High quality maze with rat and mouse versions. Provides optimal results with video tracking software (high contrast, non reflective). Surface texture selected for rodent comfort. Easy to set up, easy to clean.

  • Animal

    The Delta-maze is a custom modification of the T-maze, a special design made possible by the extreme adaptability of our MultiMaze system 41500. The newest scientific research approaches, based on the available current technologies, often combine different methods in the same test in order to obtain more detailed and more interesting data.  As an example, more and more often scientists need to...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The Radial Arm Maze has 8 equally spaced arms radiating from a central circular compartment. It can be used for several sophisticated protocols to study spatial, working and reference learning and memory.

    The animal can rely on egocentric or allocentric strategies. Working versus reference memory can be assessed by adopting intra or inter trial protocols. Easy to set up, easy to...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    The Barnes Maze is a valid alternative to the water maze to study spatial learning and memory. The motivational drive is the rodent’s instinctive aversion for open spaces and natural preference for dark, “sheltered” spaces.

    Reliable and durable. Optimized for use with video-tracking software. Available for mice or rats. Easy to set up, easy to clean.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    Atlantis System allows platforms in a Morris Water Maze to rise gently to near the surface or go down automatically, using the manual controller or TTL signals. From one to four platform systems available.

    Enables extinction protocols on rats or mice. No need to stop the test to manually remove or reposition platforms.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    A test for spatial learning and long-term memory in rodents. For research into neurocognitive disorders and treatments, aging, drug-abuse, neural systems, neurotransmitters and brain development.

    High quality, strong and low weight. Embedded wheels for easy movement. Easy to drain and clean. Add optional Atlantis System to extend test capabilities. Different colors available.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    Widely used to measure preference and spatial memory and learning tasks in laboratory animals. The simple T-shape design provides a single choice point with only two alternatives. Especially for CNS disorder studies.

    High quality maze with rat and mouse versions. Provides optimal results with video tracking software (high contrast, non reflective). Surface texture selected for rodent...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    A simple Y-shape design provides rodents with a single choice point with only two alternatives. Widely used to measure preference and spatial memory and learning tasks in laboratory animals.

    High quality maze with rat and mouse versions. Provides optimal results with video tracking software (high contrast, non reflective). Surface texture selected for rodent comfort. Easy to set up,...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The Elevated Zero-Maze is an alternative model to the Elevated Plus Maze (EPM). Its circular design provides a smoother transition from closed to open space. The model is based on the rodent's instinctive tendency to explore novel environments and also to avoid unprotected open and elevated spaces. For neurobiological anxiety research.

    High quality maze with surface texture selected...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The elevated plus maze (EPM) is used to measure anxiety in rats and mice. The model is based on the rodent's instinctive tendency to explore novel environments and also to avoid unprotected open and elevated spaces. For neurobiological anxiety research.

    High quality maze with surface texture selected for best rodent comfort. Optimized for use with video tracking software (high...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared

    The Open Field is used to assess exploratory behavior. Validated for use in the measurement of anxiety related behaviors. Also suited to the novel object recognition (NOR) test.

    Decreased anxiety leads to increased exploratory behavior. Increased anxiety results in less locomotor motion and preference for the edges of the field.

  • Animal

    Automatically scores wheel rotations, corresponding to rodent escape behaviors. A primary screening test for antidepressants.

    Automates up to 40 tests simultaneously for high throughput. Durable, easy to assemble. Optimized for use with video tracking software.

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat

    The LUX Infrared (IR) illuminator allows for illumination from below of all the Ugo Basile IR mazes, which are made of an IR translucent plastic. This has the double advantage of: making experiments in the darkness easy and enhancing the contrast for better detection, no matter the animal color

    The lux is available in 3 sizes, it guarantees a uniform illumination and incorporates IR...

  • The Tube Dominance test is a simple behavioral assay to assess social hierarchy and social dominance in rodents. The Tube Dominance Test is commonly employed in laboratory settings to study social behavior and interactions in a controlled environment. It can be used with or without food rewards to incentivize the animals to move through the tube. In the simple version, without rewards, two...

  • Animal
    Mouse, Rat
    Traditional, Infrared
    Set of white NOR with differet shapes (cube, pyramid, cylinder and sphere) in an open fields

    The object recognition test is now among the most commonly used behavioral tests for memory studies in rodents. In its simplest design, an animal is presented with two similar objects during the first session and then one of the two objects is replaced by a new object during a second session or is moved to a different location.

    This test is based on the spontaneous tendency of rodents...

  • Animal
    Cincinnati Water Maze for rats, view from above

    The Cincinnati Maze (9T-maze) is an evolution of the Biel Maze with an increased number of interconnected T-mazes.

    It is most commonly used as a water maze to avoid scent issues and is used on rats to study egocentric navigation (memory). In order to avoid any possibility of external cue use, the maze is constructed in IR-transparent Perspex to run the experiment in full darkness and...


Fields of application

IR-transparent mazes for video-tracking

Ugo Basile Infrared transparent mazes offer the highest contrast for the best video-tracking performance, empowering your behavioral experiments.