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Tube Dominance Test

Product Code:4010
Category: Mazes, Tracking

The Tube Dominance test is a simple behavioral assay to assess social hierarchy and social dominance in rodents. The Tube Dominance Test is commonly employed in laboratory settings to study social behavior and interactions in a controlled environment. It can be used with or without food rewards to incentivize the animals to move through the tube. In the simple version, without rewards, two animals are placed at the extremities of a plastic tube and the animals will interact at the center of the tube with one of the two showing aggressive behavior and force its opponent out of the tube.

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  • Rodent social behavior is a growing-interest field, especially because in the last decades most of the experiments have been run in isolated animals, and still are, in spite of the fact that mice and rats are social creatures.
  • Rodents show a wide range of social behaviors from maternal care to sexual behavior, attachment, learning, dominance and altruism.
  • The tube-dominance apparatus was developed by G.Lindzey (Lindzey et al., 1961). It involved placing hungry mice in each end of a narrow cylindrical tube which the mice have been trained to run in order. The two mice are started in the tube so that they meet at the center and the dominant mouse is the one that forces the other to retreat from the tube.

The Ugo Basile Tube Dominance Apparatus comes complete with 2 starting boxes dimensioned 150x150 mm and made of transparent Perspex. Different configurations for tubes and doors, magnetically attached to the starting boxes, are available to complete the Tube Dominance Apparatus. For details see ordering information.




2 Doors located at the center Full control of the experiment

Slotted top part of the tube

Works for tethered animals


Starting Box


Tubes 160 mm long, 30 mm ID
  300 mm in length, fixed to a rectangular base of 150 mm width
  600 mm in length, fixed to a rectangular base of 150 mm width



The Tube Dominance Test is covered by a 12-month warranty + 12 after product registration

The test is frequently used to test effect of drugs on aggressiveness or in comparative studies to examine differences in social dominance and aggression between rodent strains. Also longitudinal studies can be performed to track changes in dominance across time. In a battery of social interaction tests, the tube dominance test would normally be included within the phenotyping process.

The mice interact in the middle of the tube. The dominant animal will show greater aggressive behavior, forcing its opponent to retreat from the tube. When one animal has all four paws out of the tube, it is declared the loser while the animal remaining inside the tube is the winner. The number of wins is reported as a percentage of total number of matches.

4010 Tube Dominance Test - What's in the box


2 Starting boxes dimensioned 150x150 mm, magnetically attached to the tube (to the rectangular base) and made of transparent Perspex. They have a circular aperture one side equal to the tube diameter, so that the animals can enter/exit from and to the tube. Different colors available.

To complete your Tube Dominance Test configuration


Basic Tube Dominance test consisting of 4 cylindrical tubes made of transparent Perspex, 160 mm long and 30 mm ID. The tubes have an aperture of 18 mm on the top along the entire length and no base or door.

4010-30 Tube Dominance test, including a cylindrical tube made of clear Perspex. 300 mm in length, fixed to a rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has an aperture of 18 mm on the top along the entire length, but no doors.
4010-60 Tube Dominance test kit, including a cylindrical tube made of clear Perspex. 600 mm in length, fixed to a rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has an aperture of 18 mm on the top along the entire length, two central apertures for the doors and 6 doors (solid, with one hole, with multiple holes)
4010-301 Tube Dominance test Kit, including: a cylindrical tube made of transparent Perspex, 300 mm long and 30 mm ID fixed to a white rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has no aperture on the top and no doors.
4010-601 Tube Dominance test Kit, including: a cylindrical tube made of transparent Perspex, 600 mm long and 30 mm ID fixed to a white rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has no aperture on the top, except for the door insertion points. The tube has insertion points to allow the insertion of one door (3 doors included: 1 solid, 1 with one hole, 1 with multiple holes) at the center point.
4010-310 Tube Dominance test, including a cylindrical tube made of clear Perspex. 300 mm in length, fixed to a rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has an aperture of 10 mm on the top along the entire length, but no doors.
4010-318 Tube Dominance test Kit, including: a cylindrical tube made of transparent Perspex, 300 mm long and 30 mm ID fixed to a white rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has an 18 mm opening on the top and no doors.
4010-610 Tube Dominance test Kit, including a cylindrical tube made of transparent Perspex, 600 mm long and 30 mm ID, which is fixed to a white rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has an aperture on the top with a 10 mm wide slot running along the entire length. The tube has insertion points to allow the insertion of one door (3 doors included: 1 solid, 1 with one hole, 1 with multiple holes) at the center point.
4010-618 Tube Dominance test Kit, including: a cylindrical tube made of transparent Perspex, 600 mm long and 30 mm ID fixed to a white rectangular base of 150 mm width. The tube has an 18 mm wide opening on the top, except for the door insertion points. The tube has insertion points to allow the insertion of one door (3 doors included: 1 solid, 1 with one hole, 1 with multiple holes) at the center point.



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