International Multiple Sclerosis Day: the Role of Ugo Basile in Multiple Sclerosis Research

International Multiple Sclerosis Day: the Role of Ugo Basile in Multiple Sclerosis Research
The World Multiple Sclerosis Day, held annually on May 30th, is an occasion that unites the global community in raising awareness about Multiple Sclerosis, advocating for better treatment, and supporting ongoing research. Multiple Sclerosis is a complex and chronic neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, leading to a range of symptoms including motor dysfunction, cognitive impairments, and sensory disturbances.
Through the years, Ugo Basile has provided groundbreaking research tools for motor coordination and motor function studies, which are instrumental in preclinical research on Multiple Sclerosis.
Ugo Basile is world leading in the development of innovative research tools designed to assess motor coordination and performance in preclinical models. These tools are essential in understanding the pathophysiology of Multiple Sclerosis and evaluating potential therapeutic interventions. Here, we delve into the significance of key Ugo Basile products, which are pivotal in Multiple Sclerosis’ research, and highlight notable studies that have utilized these tools to advance our knowledge of the disease.
Discover the full range of Ugo Basile motor coordination devices:
Rotarod Apparatus: the gold standard device for motor function and coordination
The Rotarod apparatus is one of the most widely used tools for assessing motor coordination and balance in rodent models. The Ugo Basile RotaRod is the 1st and original, invented after the Dunham and Miya method (1957) and today has more than 6,200 citations in the literature. This instrument measures the ability of an animal to maintain its balance on a rotating rod, providing valuable data on motor performance and coordination.
Ugo Basile RotaRod is available in different versions, for mice and rats, and offers the possibility to test multiple animals at the same time and several protocols exist to train and assess the motory coordination through the falling time. As the inventor of the RotaRod, we continue to improve our best-selling and gold standard device for motor function and coordination by developing new accessories and technologies to change the complexity and increase the sensitivity of the experiment.
Learn more about RotaRod by Ugo Basile:
Notable Reference on RotaRod for MS research
The Rotarod test is critical for evaluating motor deficits, a hallmark symptom of MS. By assessing the duration an animal can stay on the rotating rod, researchers can quantify motor impairments and monitor disease progression. This tool is particularly useful in testing the efficacy of therapeutic targets to improve motor function.
For example, the open acces research paper "Neuropathic-like Nociception and Spinal Cord Neuroinflammation Are Dependent on the TRPA1 Channel in Multiple Sclerosis Models in Mice" investigates the role of the Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) in neuropathic pain-like symptoms using two different mouse models of MS.
One of the essential tools utilized in this research is the RotaRod from Ugo Basile, which was employed to evaluate the motor performance of mice, providing critical data on how TRPA1 modulation affects motor deficits associated with MS.
The study's findings indicate that TRPA1 knockout mice, which lack the TRPA1 channel, exhibit significantly reduced neuropathic pain behaviors and spinal cord inflammation compared to wild-type mice in MS models. These knockout mice performed better on the RotaRod test, demonstrating improved motor coordination and balance. This suggests that the TRPA1 channel plays a crucial role in the development of neuropathic pain and neuroinflammation in MS.
The results underscore the potential of targeting the TRPA1 channel as a therapeutic strategy for alleviating neuropathic pain and neuroinflammation in MS. This study provides valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying MS pathology and highlights new avenues for treatment development.
Read the complete open access research paper:
Grip Strength Meter for the assessment of muscle strength
The Grip Strength Meter is another essential tool for assessing limb strength and motor function. It measures the force exerted by an animal's forelimbs or hind limbs when it grasps a bar, providing a quantitative assessment of muscle strength.
The technique exploits the instinctive resistance of rodents to backward movements and their consequence tendency to grasp (grip) against the pull-back movement that the operator applies.
The test measures grasping force and hence skeletal muscle performance, however it is a flexible tool for many other purposes, for example for determination of fatigue: when repetitive tests are performed in sequence with a short latency between each test, the reduction in strength between the first and the last determination can be taken as an index of fatigue. The classic use of the grip strength meter is hind or whole limb strength measurement.
Learn more on Grip Strength Meter by Ugo Basile:
Notable Reference on Grip Strength Meter for MS Research
In MS, muscle weakness and motor dysfunction are common symptoms. The Grip Strength Meter allows researchers to quantify these deficits accurately, offering insights into the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of potential treatments.
For example, in the open access research paper "Interleukin-9 protects from microglia- and TNF-mediated synaptotoxicity in experimental multiple sclerosis" Grip Strength Meter from Ugo Basile played a crucial role by providing precise measurements of muscle strength in the forelimbs and hind limbs of the mice. The use of the Grip Strength Meter was instrumental in demonstrating the functional benefits of IL-9 treatment, highlighting the importance of precise motor function measurements in preclinical research.
These findings pave the way for new therapeutic strategies aimed at mitigating synaptic damage and improving the quality of life for individuals with MS. The continued exploration of IL-9's neuroprotective mechanisms and therapeutic potential holds promise for advancing MS treatment and potentially benefiting other neurodegenerative conditions.
Read the complete Open Acces Article:
Treadmill to text exercise and fatigue
The Treadmill by Ugo Basile measures endurance, distance, speed and motor coordination and is used for studying behavioral, physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses to both acute exercise stress and chronic exercise training. Exercise is a multifactorial activity that affects virtually every organ and tissue in the body. Not only does exercise contribute many health benefits, but lack of exercise is implicated in many chronic health problems.
Fatigue is a common and frequently poorly-understood symptom in many diseases and disorders. New preclinical assays of fatigue may help to improve current understanding of fatigue-like behavior in rodents and many other exercise paradigms and study future treatment of fatigue.
Treadmills are rolling belts (tapis-roulants) with presettable speed and adjustable uphill and downhill inclination (slope), enabling forced exercise training and accurate testing of fatigue in lab animals.
Learn more on Treadmill by Ugo Basile:
The Treadmill is an important tool in the field of preclinical Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research, offering precise assessments of motor function, endurance, and coordination. As MS often results in significant motor deficits and fatigue, the treadmill provides a reliable platform for evaluating the physical capabilities and therapeutic responses in rodent models of the disease.
Morover, exercise as a subset of physical activity is a cornerstone in the management of MS based on its pleotropic effects.
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis and Its Societal Impact
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. It is characterized by the immune system attacking the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers, leading to communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. Eventually, the disease can cause permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves themselves.
MS manifests in a variety of symptoms, which can vary greatly among individuals and can include fatigue, difficulty walking, numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, and problems with coordination and balance. Some people might also experience vision problems, cognitive changes, and emotional disturbances.
The exact cause of MS is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. MS is more common in women than men and is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40.
Living with MS can be challenging due to its unpredictable nature and the progressive worsening of symptoms. This can lead to a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, affecting their physical abilities, emotional well-being, and overall daily functioning. The impacting on daily tasks can lead to social isolation and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
The societal impact of MS is substantial, affecting not only the individuals diagnosed but also their families, caregivers, and the healthcare system. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), MS is one of the most common neurological disorders, with an estimated 2.8 million people affected worldwide.
MS imposes a significant economic burden on society due to healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and the need for long-term care. Direct costs include medical expenses such as hospital stays, medication, rehabilitation, and assistive devices. Indirect costs arise from loss of income, reduced work capacity, and early retirement. The total cost of MS can vary depending on the severity of the disease and the availability of healthcare services.
MS also places a heavy demand on healthcare systems. The need for specialized medical care, ongoing monitoring, and support services requires significant resources. Effective management of MS often involves a multidisciplinary approach, including neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and mental health professionals, all working together to provide comprehensive care.
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